The anointing for territorial influence
March 2025 Limbe, Cameroon
Your clock is constantly ticking....the hours are drawing closer
God is interested in your territory. Your territory includes: You, your family, your school, your neighborhood, your workplace, your social media spaces and your immediate community.
JESUS wants to partner with you, inorder to expand His influence in every sector of your territory. You have grumbled to much about the prevailing works of darkness in the sections of your territory. God seeks to make you an open portal between heaven and your territory, through which His light will shine and overcome every form of darkness.
The warfare of "TERRITORIAL INFLUENCE" is not won by grumbling, murmuring, crying, wishful dreaming or the trending wave of religious intercessory prayers which are born out of emotions/moral obligations and void of spiritual insight.
The process of "TERRITORIAL INFLUENCE" is a clash of kingdoms. You will need to impose your kingdom (the kingdom of light) over your territory BEFORE THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS CAN PACK OUT. This imposing power is called THE IMPACT ANOINTING; the anointing to influence territories for JESUS.
In less than 160 days from now, there is going to be a mighty release from the heavens upon a few chosen vessels who are saying from their heart "Lord JESUS, start with my territory". You will be imparted with the anointing for impact. Not the impact which comes by words of human wisdom but that which is evident by the demonstration of The Holy Spirit's power.
Alongside you will receive great insight into God's word and you will be able to download kingdom strategies on how to arrest every sector of your territory for the influence of Jesus. What God is about to do in the month of March 2025, eyes have not seen and ears have not heard.
Reverend Barrister Chick Esengwa Keka
Genesis 1:2-3 KJV
[2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. [3] And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The impact anointing will empower you to boldly proclaim THE WORD OF LIGHT over your territory. This words will set every form of darkness on their heels. A new experience of a higher manifestation of your kingdom authority will rest upon you, and the influence of JESUS will evidently reign in every sector of your territory.
Kindly note that God is not calling the crowd. This is an invitation to ONLY A SELECTED FEW who are willing to partner with JESUS, to influence their territories for His Glory.
A lot of spiritual preparations towards this upcoming event are ongoing. Remember that each time Jesus wanted to address a serious matter, He always put away the crowd (Matthew 9:25).
If you have an inner conviction, that God is calling you to be His chose vessel, to carry the IMPACT ANOINTING into your territory, then this conference is for you. So go ahead and register immediately to secure your seat. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE or else you may loose this opportunity.
Registration fee
20 USD per individual
30 USD per couple
Payment details will only be shared with you after we confirm that there is still an available seat for you. To apply for availability of seats, kindly fill the form below and submit.
To partner with our team towards the success of this conference, please send us a message using the form above.
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